Michael: Drinking Liberally Returns
Drinking Liberally starts back up on Thursday, January 5th after a hiatus over the holidays. The location remains The Shanty.This Thursday, in honor of Bush's domestic surveillance, wear a tin-foil hat and get your first drink on the host. Bring your friends, spouses, etc., and feel feel to invite public figures on your own initiative.
what time?
Did you see my article?
Charged With Possession of a Conscience
Also on DKos right now. It's one of those
border stories...
Vivian, click the link above to see more info on where and time.
Well, I saw the announcement and thought it sounded like something I'd like to do and about 6:30, I arrived at the Shanty - is there more than one in Tucson???? I went over to ask the bartender where the "Drinking Liberally" group was and two very nice gentlemen sitting at the bar said they were it! So we had a very pleasant chat about all things political - and then I came home to feed my dog. Didn't see anyone else there - but I have to say I did have a good time.
Yeah the BUSH Administration needs to be charged with gambling addiction Gambling with the American people's lives and well being. Shame on you FUC@S!
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