Friday, July 29, 2005

Michael: Nepotism Personified

Goldwater's nephew is going to enter the primary for the AZ GOP Gubernatorial primary. You can do worse than having a name like Goldwater in Arizona politics. Of course, they said the same to Paul Babbitt, who went down to first term incumbent Congressional pipsqueek Rick Renzi last year.

On the other hand, there are Udalls in prominent offices in New Mexico and Colorado (though, oddly, not Arizona). Who knows? Maybe Arizonans are somewhat resistant to being star-struck by a political family name.

Don Goldwater will have an uphill fight in the primary with Greene, Green (if he's still in...), and Bennett all slugging it out. I don't know Don's politics too well yet, but as he was at one time the head of the Goldwater Institute (which is way right of Barry, BTW), he's likely to be running up the right side of the field. Not a bad position to be in for the primary, but as Matt Salmon will testify, perhaps not the best position for the Big Game.


At 12:39 PM, Blogger shrimplate said...

Just to survive the primaries he will have to run way to the right of his more famous uncle. He'll have to bait gays and swear to "bring prayer back into the classroom" and that sort of thing.

Too sad to be funny, though. Gives me the creeps.

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Gunner said...

Only in your dreams shrimplate, only in your dreams.

He does not need to pander to the right in order to win the primary, he can run a solid centrist campaign, and watch as guv'nor whats-her-face pretends to be conservative.

Of course it is all moot, given her penchant for executive orders, she'll just declare that she is the victor.

Oh well, after the election, maybe she will move back to California -- and stay there this time.

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He will have to pander to the right as he is the 2nd Vice President of the PAChyderm Coalition - A Political Action Committee. Check the web site:
and see just how far right they are. Look a the comments about GOP Chairman Matt Salmon. How are they going to justify their candidate being Pro-Choice?
July 30, 2005

Soon to be announced GOP gubernatorial candidate Don Goldwater has informed The Arizona Conservative that he is pro-life. Earlier in the day, a reliable source told us he was pro-choice, but that was later disputed.

"My views are pretty straight forward," Goldwater told The Arizona Conservative Saturday night in an email message. "I am pro-life with a few exceptions. My exceptions are:

"An abortion can only be considered in cases of rape or incest and only before viability of the fetus. The only other exception would be in the case of mortal danger to the mother."

Mr. Goldwater, the nephew of the late Barry Goldwater, is vying for the Republican Party's nomination to oppose Democrat incumbent Gov. Janet Napolitano.

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Michael Bryan said...

Can you taste the waffles (to steal a servicable attack frame)?

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"An abortion can only be considered in cases of rape or incest and only before viability of the fetus. The only other exception would be in the case of mortal danger to the mother."
...and only during leap years in months that end with an "R" Did anyone notice that Sproul is speaking for him as some sort of political advisors? Creep-a-licious.


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