Saturday, April 16, 2005

Michael: Coulter's Cream Pie

Coulter used her fact-free bomb throwing column today to accuse the Pima County Attorney's office of prosecuting selectively based on the ideology of offenders and victims. It's a serious charge and a potentially libelous one.

Coulter may find the dismissal of misdemeanor charges against the UA pie throwers inexplicable, but the simple explaination is that Coulter failed to cooperate with prosecutors and failed show up a trial, as did the arresting officer.

No matter how zealous a prosecutor may be, it's hard to get a conviction with uncooperative or indifferent witnesses. Given that Coulter is supposedly a lawyer, one would think she would recognize that her failure to cooperate in the case might be the actual cause of the dismissal without prejudice (charges can be re-filed if Couler gets off her butt). Instead of admitting her own culpability for the case having been dropped, she finds it more convenient to libel a respected public official in her home-town newspaper.

As Coulter acted with actual malice in printing that Barbara LaWall "let them walk" because they were liberals (she knew the truth and published her lie anyway), I hope that LaWall decides to sue Coulter. It would be exactly what she deserves for having slandered so many in he ignominious and shabby career.

Coutler accuses liberals of arguing with pies, but Coulter argues with lies.


At 1:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, the whole 'cream pie' aspect still makes me ill.

At 2:42 AM, Blogger Michael Bryan said...

Yeah, it's meant to be a rather disturbing image :)


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