Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Slamming Dean the in Letters Page

This letter ran today in the Star:

Dean is a disgrace

Howard Dean ran in 17 Democratic state primaries and lost in every one. He misspent over $40 million of his campaign funds. He became the laughingstock of the country after his famous 'I had a scream speech.'

And now, to fulfill the Democratic Party's death wish, Dean is about to become its national committee chairman. Ain't politics grand?

Raymond R. Kisch


Please, let's see some push back on this. We can't let this crank go unaswered. Even if the Star doesn't publish all the positives, we'll let them know where public opinion really lies. Let's tell people why Dean is the man for the job and what his candidacy and advocacy has meant to you personally. Gentle Readers, start your text editors...


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