Thursday, December 09, 2004

Harry Reid: The Wrong Stuff

MSNBC - Transcript for Dec. 5:

So Harry Reid can support Antonin Scalia as chief justice?

"MR. RUSSERT: Let me turn to judicial nominations. Again, Harry Reid on National Public Radio, November 19: 'If they'--the Bush White House--'for example, gave us Clarence Thomas as chief justice, I personally feel that would be wrong. If they give us Antonin Scalia, that's a little different question. I may not agree with some of his opinions, but I agree with the brilliance of his mind.'

Could you support Antonin Scalia to be chief justice of the Supreme Court?

SEN. REID: If he can overcome the ethics problems that have arisen since he was selected as a justice of the Supreme Court. And those ethics problems--you've talked about them; every people talk--every reporter's talked about them in town--where he took trips that were probably not in keeping with the code of judicial ethics. So we have to get over this. I cannot dispute the fact, as I have said, that this is one smart guy. And I disagree with many of the results that he arrives at, but his reason for arriving at those results are very hard to dispute. So... "

It's begining to look a little spineless around the Minority Leader's office. Is there anything the GOP could try that would be unacceptable to Sen. Reid?


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