Wednesday, September 29, 2004

US IRR Soldiers Being Declared AWOL

1/3 of the retired soldiers called out of civilian life by Bush's call up of the Individual Ready Reserve had failed to show up. Over 1000 soldiers so far have failed to report and and about 85% of those have requested a waiver. But already 8 soldiers have been declared AWOL. They are listed in national law enforcement databases and can be arrested if encountered by police.

Given that the President is clearly been proven to have deserted himself, one wonders why he's not been scooped up for failing to show up to do his duty. The reason why a man who has so blantantly dodged service to his country should not be President is because it makes the nation seem so hypocritical in enforcing discipline in a volunteer armed forces. If the President can get away with flouting the law and his duty, what moral authority does the executive branch have in demanding that soldiers honor their agreements, and punish them as criminals if they don't?


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Given that the President is clearly been proven to have deserted himself..."

No, it has not been even close to "proven" that he "deserted". Learn a little about what you are talking about before you open your mouth.

"The reason why a man who has so blantantly dodged service to his country"

Yeah, that's right, VOLUNTEERING TO FLY FOR OPERATION PALACE ALERT (which involves flying combat missions in Vietnam) is "dodg[ing] service".

"If the President can get away with flouting the law and his duty"

Which law, again? Which duty? Do you actually KNOW how Guard and reserve units and members function in this country? The answer is obviously NO.

You are uninformed far past the point of ignorance, or you are being dishonest, or you have been completely and willingly deceived.

Go and actually look this stuff up.


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