Thursday, September 16, 2004

Signs of the Times

How incredibly assinine. Someone stole my Kerry yard sign out of my front yard sometime since yesterday. I came home this evening and realized that the sign was missing. Not only is doing such a thing illegal, punishable by up to $750 in fines and up to 4 months in jail, it is reflective of the anti-social nature of much support for Bush.

I think that many of those who support Bush secretly revel in the lawlessness and anti-social nature of this Administration. The demographers call them the "Fuck You Boys"; primarily men, 18-34, lower educational achievement, lower income, seriously insecure about their masculinity and sexuality. You have probably met some of them. Mullets, tats, racist and homophobic speach, muscle cars, heavy smokers, beer drinkers, sports fans (the more violent the better), are characteristic traits of the "Fuck You Boy". The spcies is not limited to the lower economic rungs, however. There are plenty of college-boy and college-girl "Fuck Yous", almost always the scions of moderately wealthy families who have little respect for property, and even less for the law. Apparently, there is at least one of these fine young animals in my neighborhood.

These young shit-for-brains are anti-social heathens and they like those same characteristics in their leaders. How else to explain their delight in the lies pedaled to them, and which they gladly pass on? How else to account for their obdurate support for an Adminstration which regularly, and openly, breaks or bends the law? Why else would they delight in the assault on the Constitution this Administration is engaged in? Why else would they so gleefully accept and condone this Administration's suppression of dissent and political demonstration? Because at heart, they are savages who find their identity in the atavistic heart of a tribe, worshipping a leader who appears superficially strong and manly, even as he leads the tribe to their dooms.

I'll be putting a new sign out tommorrow. And sitting on the roof with my shotgun overnight.


At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can understand your frustration. I fully expect it to happen. I have been trying for over a month just to get my hands on some Veterans fo Kerry yard signs and they are not avaliable. I sent $60.00 to the Kerry gear shop and still no word. I will have to make my own and fully expect that The signs will be under attack. I have a corner lot home near ASU and it's way to easy for them to drive across the yard like they always do for their cheep thrills. They may drive over my sign that I intend to put out on the corner but it sure is gonna cost them a lot of money for the tow truck and repairs needed on their car when they do!


Rick Mallory
Tempe, Az.


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