Friday, September 10, 2004

Renzi Votes Against Overtime Pay for Millions

Rick Renzi yesterday cast his vote against millions of workers and followed in lockstep with the Republican leadership to back the administration's new overtime regulations that would eliminate overtime eligibility for up to 6 million workers, transferring billions of dollars worth of free labor into in the pockets of the largest multi-national corporate employers. Fortunately for American workers, 22 House Republicans were brave enough to stand up to their party's leadership and vote with Democrats and America's working men and women to block the attempted confiscation of our wages.  

"People in small town Arizona want someone looking out for their needs, not the needs of the party leadership," said Paul Babbitt. "They want someone with an independent voice, not someone who caves to every GOP demand. My 27 years of local government experience are what I will use in Congress to decide my vote, not the whims of special interests or party leadership."

Babbitt's campaign manager Frank Costanzo said, "It's disheartening that Rick Renzi represents the party leadership, instead of Arizona workers. Renzi's shown a pattern of voting against the interests of his
constituents...  His record really shows where his priorities lie, and it's not with the people of small town Arizona."

Rick Renzi serves a radical anti-worker, pro-corporate agenda, not the people of Arizona who elected him to Congress. It's time for a change. It time to elect Paul Babbitt to Congress.


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