I'm glad that the CBS documents regarding Bush's Guard service have been questioned. Some look at this as a distraction from the real story - and it is - but fail to recognize how this controversy is also keeping Bush's service, or lack of it, at the center of the news.With the allegation that the CBS documents were forged, the Bush partisans made a huge mistake. The accusation will now force CBS to vidicate their credibility by proving that Bush failed to complete his duty. In essence, those behind this forgery flap are forcing a major news organization to bring down the President or lose their credibility. Really, I cannot think of a finer way to focus the minds at CBS News on the job of cutting the legs out from under BC'04.
There is far too long until the election for Bush to avoid CBS landing some very damaging blows. The records are missing, there is no credible proof of his completion of service, and it is unprecendented for the Guard to train a pilot from the ground up. The Guard only took pilots who had trained in regular duty for several years, not greenhorns - except for Bush. The Meaniacs think they have been clever in aiming a scattergun of charges at CBS, but they will soon find that scattergun has a hell of a recoil.
The accusation will now force CBS to vidicate[sic] their credibility by proving that Bush failed to complete his duty.Er, they've been on this story for literally years by their own admission. They thought that these four forged memos did "prove" their case, and they're the only "evidence" they've been able to find. According to Byron York in The Hill, the records indicate that Bush met his service requirements each and every year, yet you never hear mention of that in any ersatz "news" report, do you? He stopped flying in 1972 when, with the war in Vietnam winding down, there was a glut of pilots returning to the States.
The thing I've found confusing is that the Democrats insisted when Clinton was running against (WWII pilot) G.H.W. Bush in 1992 and against (WWII vet) Bob Dole in 1996 that the fact that he'd deliberately lied to avoid service was immaterial to his qualifications as a Presidential candidate because Vietnam was an illegal, immoral war, and he's a Democrat. John Kerry has testified that he was in Cambodia, illegally (when, we're unable to determine, though he had a memory that was seared, seared into him of it.) He's testified that he himself committed war crimes while in Vietnam. But apparently that's OK, because he's a Democrat. But if Bush pulled some strings to avoid going to Vietnam and dropping napalm on Vietnamese children, or burning hooches with a Zippo, that's WRONG! and he should be, what? Impeached?
Talk about a double-standard.
Just discovered your blog and I'm enjoying it. I noted your Aug. 3 item about Randy Pullen and I posted something I just wrote on him. You'll find it in the Aug. 3 comment section.
Much continued success with your blog. I'll be checking in regularly. I've started one of my own (Arizona Politics) at I've had a couple false start, but I think it's a go this time.
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