Monday, September 20, 2004

McCain: destroy them to save them

John McCain calls for an Iraq offensive to retake cities lost to the insurgents prior to the elections. McCain is wrong. An assault on Fallujah and other cities held by rebels in order to gain access for elections would do far more harm than good. The resentment caused by the large number of civilian casualties would further radicalize the electorate. Better to negotiate the entrance of a UN force to monitor and secure polls during an election than risk the backlash that McCain obstreperous demand would create. McCain said:

"We're not going to have those national elections until we get rid of the sanctuaries. We've got to go in there, we're going to have to sustain tragically some more casualties and the longer we delay with these sanctuaries, the more difficult the challenge is going to be and the more casualties we will incur and the Iraqi people will suffer."

On this subject, I think he is simply wrong. It is promising, however, that at least he is now acknowledging that the Administration has been less than candid about conditions on the ground in Iraq. He is quoted as characterizing the Administration on Iraq as being "bland to the point of dishonesty" and "perhaps not as straight as maybe we'd like to see." Good to see John can still call 'em as he sees 'em once in while.


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