Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The Death of American Journalism?

CBS, the Cowardly Broadcasting System, self-censored a 30 minute segment of 60 Minutes (peices usually run 15 minutes) on the Niger Forgeries. The story was leaked to Salon and the outline of the story is now there. But the net result is that millions of Americans will not get to see how the Bush Administration either consciously lied to them, or was unconscionably gullable.

This is the sort of decision that can turn an election. CBS has come down on the side of denying the electorate relevant information. That is a failure of democracy. Our journalistic tradition is in crisis. Unless our major media get some balls soon to tell the truth about the corruption of our government, American democracy is doomed.


At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Unless our major media get some balls soon to tell the truth..."

Um, just a hunch - that's what just happened. After the whole FORGED MEMOS thing, followed closely by the FAKE EMAILS thing, and knowing what I do about the forged Niger documents, this was just going to be another hit piece.

By the way - the forged documents in question WERE NEVER RELIED UPON. The British intelligence hadn't even seen them when they said Saddam had tried to buy Uranium from Africa (which is a lot bigger than Niger, by the way).Actually, it turns out it probably WAS Niger, considering this...

Joe Wilson's report (not what he said in public) stated that the officials he talked to had been approached by Iraqis about exporting something (without specifying what). Since Niger's other export besides uranium is GOATS, the Nigerian official believed it was about uranium.

JOE WILSON said that in his report. Welcome to reality, where the Bush administration is not evil incarnate (though I certainly will agree that they make plenty of mistakes).


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