Bush the Moral Coward
Josh Marshall's latest in The Hill is a perfect statement of how everything some people admire about Bush are the very things that they should despise. The mark running through the Bush Presidency in a fat yellow streak is his moral cowardice; his inability to take responsibility, his invariable instinct to take the easy way out, the trail of broken lives and shattered dreams that his ambition has blazed through the lives of others which he disclaims responsibility for. Bush is unable to face the consequences of his own choices, especially when the result is the death and destruction of innocents, and the ruination of nations.Bush will be remembered as the weakest, most craven, and most truly unworthy man to ever inhabit the White House. Far from being a President whose potential for greatness was crushed by events, he will be remembered as the President who was handed pearls (a massive surplus, relative peace, economic and military pre-eminence in the world, and the challenge of leadership which 9/11 presented) and turned it all to pig feces in a single term. His miserable failure cannot be ascribed to circumstance, or a difficult political environment, but only to an utter lack of moral character, a dearth of vision, and a vast and messianic ego.
George Walker Bush is a man who is beneath contempt. I wouldn't even waste the spittle to expectorate in his smug-ugly face. There will come a time when his name is synonymous with failed leadership, political corruption, and public lying, like Benedict Arnold is tied to treason.
I feel your pain! Now you know how conservatives felt with Slick Willie in the White House.
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