Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Local Author: Is America Ready for a Low-Carb Spiritual Diet?

What's behind the popularity of "The DaVinci Code" and "The Passion"? Are Americans ready for a change in their spiritual diet that will be just as pervasive as the low-carb revolution?

That is the claim of author Phyllis Strupp in her new book THE RICHEST OF FARE: SEEKING SPIRITUAL SECURITY IN THE SONORAN DESERT. "Americans are waking up to the reality that spiritual flab is an even bigger problem than body fat," she says. "And the 'bad carbs' that need to be curbed are fear, anxiety, greed, shame, and other negative emotions that threaten spiritual fitness. THE RICHEST OF FARE helps people to do this."      

In this new book, Strupp makes the case that America is in the midst of an unprecedented spiritual awakening that extends beyond the reach of organized religion. She comments, "We are entering a new era in American spirituality that will have a profound impact on how we live, work, and relate. Our religion, politics, and economy will never be the same. THE RICHEST OF FARE reveals the silver lining behind the dark clouds of today's world."  

L.A. Johnson of the Midwest Book Review writes:
"To paraphrase Thoreau, civilization has improved our houses but not the men who inhabit them. This richest country in the world boasts 44 million uninsured citizens; 10 million illegal immigrants; 9 million unemployed; and 4 million homeless souls. Something is wrong with this picture and Ms. Strupp makes a compelling argument in explanation."

Phyllis Strupp holds an MBA from Columbia University in New York, and is a mentor of the Education for Ministry program of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. After a Roman Catholic upbringing, she shunned organized religion for over 20 years. She has been in the Episcopalian faith community since 1993. She has worked in the financial services industry since 1986, and has lived in Carefree, Arizona with her husband Peter since 1997.

THE RICHEST OF FARE blends scientific fact, spiritual truths, and 56 stunning color photographs of the Sonoran Desert. Book excerpts and reviews can be viewed at


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