Editor's Picks 7/13
- America Coming Together's ground war for America, and its General. Steve Rosenthal is probably the most important man in Democratic politics you've never heard of; he's got $100 million dollars and only one mission, to get Democrats to the polls.
- The making of OutFoxed. The progressive documentary film is becoming one powerful answer to conservative domination of big media. Attend a viewing of OutFoxed in your neighborhood.
- The trial balloon of the century: delaying the US elections in case of a terrorist attack too near the election. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but doesn't that give the terrorists an incentive to attack us and keep attacking, and for the unpopular ruing party, who benefits from the delay of elections, to keep letting them succeed?
- The National Inteligence Estimate's careful disclaimers were made unequivocal assertions for Congressional and public consumption, but nobody seems to know by whom. Isn't that in itself a major scandal? See examples of the sort of changes that were made.
- Are Federal RadCons making the mistakes on the Federal level that got them in trouble with their more moderate caucus-mates in Arizona?
- As our society becomes more and more visually oriented, is a new literature emerging to meet our tastes? Full disclosure: I have an entire bookcase in my library devoted to the 'New Lit'.
- China revokes Pfizer's Viagra patent. First shot is a new global drug war, or just a lot of limp noodles?
- Play Ossama bi Lotto (FLASH). Will Bush pull an October (or September 11th...) surprise?
- US News obtains the full annexes of the Taguba report. Expect more horrifying pictures and revelations of command staff knowledge soon.
- A new website targets the gaps between Bush Administration policy and current environmental health science.
- Ever wonder how much those pinheads in the White House are pulling down to screw up our country? Well, here's their salaries (it doesn't include Bush's staff-stiffing bonuses for political appointees as a 'performance' incentive, kick-backs, bribes, book deals, speaking fees, job offers, junkets, profits from investments which constitute a clear conflict of interest, or staffer blow-jobs... well, there may not be many of that particular sort of perq in this Administration). The lowest paid member of the Administration? Arguably its richest member, who has the most dubious legal status: James Baker III as Iraqi Foreign Debt Czar makes $0 per year. But now that Iraq is 'sovereign', shouldn't they be handling foreign debt issues for themselves? What is the velvet hammer doing still on the official payroll?
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