Thursday, December 04, 2003

The US Terrorism Plot That the Media is Ignoring

The Memory Hole > The US Terrorism Plot That the Media Ignores

If you want proof that terrorism is not taken seriously in this country unless it rides in to town in a jhelaba and waiving a copy of the Quran, just consider the latest in homebrewed Texas-style terror.

As we speak. a terrorist network is unraveling involving potentially hundreds of subpoenas and arrests across the nation and there is nary a peep on the networks about it. Could it be because these terrorists are motivated to destroy their fellow Americans by the very same racist and sectarian religious sentiments that pervade the White House? Could it be that revelation of the very serious danger of domestic terror from right wing, Christian fundamentalist crackpots might take American's eyes off the ball that the Administration so badly needs us focused on at the moment - Muslim fundametalist crackpot terrorists?

I can't think of any other reason why the Administration would not be hootin' it up over foiling a large and well-developed terrorist plot in the homeland.


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