Sunday, December 07, 2003

John F*** Kerry

In what Presidential historians are calling a first, Kerry broke out the potty mouth to shore up his floundering bid with young readers of Rolling Stone. Or with those who are even semi-conscious, if this story finds legs.

Here is the relevant passage:

Did you feel you were blindsided by Dean's success?

Well, not blindsided. I mean, when I voted for the war, I voted for what I thought was best for the country. Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the left and say, 'I'm against everything'? Sure. Did I expect George Bush to fuck it up as badly as he did? I don't think anybody did."

In case you missed it, that is Sen. John F. Kerry (no more wondering what the F. stands for) getting earthy with the all-purpose American word. Fuck. Fuckin'-A Mr. Senator, did you just say "fuck" in response to a question about Howard Dean?

There are rumours that following a debate earlier in the season Kerry was heard to chant under his breath, "Dean, Dean, Dean..." over and over. Many thought Dean might be getting under Kerry's skin a bit. Apparently, he certainly the fuck is.

Gephardt was considered somewhat daring and fire-eating for calling Bush a "miserable failure," but how much more cred do you get for calling him a fuck-up?

You can count on there being a question about this at the NH debate on 9th. The question will likely be something like this:

"Senator Kerry, in a recent Rolling Stone interview you used some very strong language about President Bush's record in Iraq. I appologize the audience in advance. You said that you didn't expect Bush to F*** up as badly as he did in Iraq. Would you care to repeat that criticism, or did you regret the use of such strong language about the President?"

It won't be edifying, but it will be entertaining to see how he deals with it, and what mileage, if any, the other candidates try to squeeze out of it. Personally, I hope he repeats his little rant verbatim on live TV; it certainly couldn't do his campaign much harm, and who knows, maybe America is ready for a new fucking President?


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