Tuesday, November 25, 2003

House-Guest from Hell

George Bush is as poor a guest as he is a President. I suppose it should come as no surprise that the man with the most inflated ego on earth should turn out to be an inconsiderate house-guest, too. Besides bringing five personal chefs with him to make his fajitas, Bush inconsiderately caused thousands of pounds of damage to the Queen's gardens during his recent visit to Buckingham Palace.

It's not exactly a campaign issue, but it is a useful insight into the deep arrogance of our Commander in Thief that he would run roughshod over his host's property while deigning to visit what he clearly views as 'our little colony across the pond'. He can casually offend our nearest ally, spit on decades old alliances without a thought, and insouciantly scare the hell out of regimes across the globe, setting off a new nuclear arms race. He truly is a disaster of super-villainish proportions: call him President Doom.


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