Monday, November 10, 2003

Gore on Freedom Versus Security Gore on Freedom Versus Democracy

Once more, Shadow President Gore labors to raise awareness of the threat to our Nation posed by the Bush Administration's actions. Gore's substantive, credible, and topical speeches will be seen by history as lending the authority of disinterested nationalism and concerned citizenship to the 2004 counter-assault on the Bush Administration and GOP.

Gore's factual, well-reasoned speeches pry wide-open well defended avenues of attack on the Administration for others. He is doing a great public service by using his authority to assail and bedevil the GOP fascist faction.

Perhaps the greatest irony of the 2004 election is that the man seen by many as having no center, no principles above winning the Presidency, may emerge as one of the great statesmen of our age, and a savior of the Republic.

P.S. the audio on the video is terrible. It clears up about half-way through the speech, but continues to be spotty throughout.


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