Fox News: The inside story News | Fox News: The inside storyI finally got around to reading this. I think I need a shower...
The picture of FNC's 'news' operations that emerges resembles nothing so much as a party's propaganda department. I stopped watching FNC quite a while ago; I was tired of yelling at the TV. I took it off the channel listing of my satellite system. When the FNC broadcast Democratic Presidential candidate's debate came on, it took me a few minutes to recall that I had done that. I recommend the experience of thinking, even for a second, and even mistakenly, that FNC had been taken off the air :)
On a more optomistic note perhaps Fox's faux marketing postion as "fair and balanced" and as a fiercely independent outlet consciously going after the status quo, points the way to a more independent, and more commercially successful independent media. The question is, will the marketing sloganeering work if it is backed up by actual independence and criticism, or if it is only an acceptable theme only if it is patently untrue.
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