Dean is Right
This was posted today to a Liberal Christians discussion group. I thought it interesting in light of the recent flap about Southern voters:-------------------------------------------------
Subject: Dean is right.
First off let me say I am a Kerry supporter and will vote for him in the primary. Howard Dean is a top contender for the nomination also and has recently caught flak over his statement about wanting to attract guys in "pickup trucks with confederate flags". Now I am not getting into the whole debate about "Southern Pride" "The Flag" or the Civil War. The Democratic Party has lost a lot of it's southern base since Richard Nixon's "Southern Strategy" and they need to attract them and bring them back. Most southerners are Democratic on the state and local level but tend to go national when it comes to the Presidency and even sending senators up to Washington too. The Republican Party for the last 30 years have been taping into themes and fears of the Southern White voter to attract them and really once they are in they are not delivering.
As a black man I did not care for Governor Wallace, Faubus, and definately not Maddox(Lester). One thing though a lot of Southern Democrats had that was appealing was populist theme. The Democrats need to tap into that again. They need to start hammering about jobs, education, and opportunities for the common man. What Republicans have done is give the southern voters a bill of goods about "values, faith, and symbolism." Plus they like to through in the "States Rights" jab to galvanize those who still have resentment towards the changes that were made in the 60s. The Democrats need to let the southerners know and understand that all that "talk" does not produce jobs, improve education, or help the general welfare of the people.
In order for the Democratic party to do well, it has to reclaim the south again and make a strong push for the southern vote too. There has to be more of a populist message. That means they have to tap into that base which means yes-they have to attract the men who drive pickup trucks with a rifle and confederate flag in the back. I actually know a few people like that and once you get the know them you will be amazed of how much more you have in common with them.
Thanks Wesley :)
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