Dean Condemns Administration for Failing To Honor Former Prisoners of War
Dean Condemns Administration for Failing To Honor Former Prisoners of WarBush is blocking Gulf War veterans tortured by the Iraqis from collecting funds which American courts awarded them in compensation from frozen Iraqi government assets. Administration lawyers argue the funds must go toward reconstruction. In other words, Bush needs to funnel all of it into the pockets of Halliburton and Bechtel.
This is just the latest instance of the Bush Administration's propensity to lionize the armed forces while stealthily stabbing them in back when it comes to allocating real resources to their care and support.
If Bush's fantasy camp plane ride to an aircraft carrier and shouting "Bring it on" to the enemy from within the safety of a Secret Service escort detail disgusts you too, join Veterans for Dean and fight for a President who will take his role as CinC seriously: Vets for Dean.
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