Blog for America : Drive for Democracy: Tucson Meetup Report | November 05, 2003
Blog for America : Drive for Democracy: Tucson Meetup Report | November 05, 2003Zephyr, David, and Ryan spent their last day in Tucson yesterday and visted two of our meetups. It was great having them here. Today they are headed out to Sierra Vista and Nogales to learn about boarder issues, watershed problems, and to meet all the activists in those areas of Southern AZ.
We wish them well on their journey. I certainly hope they have better luck with their transportation than they have had so far. It's not nearly so prosaic traveling across country in an economy class rental car rather than a classic Airstream. But maybe it is more appropos of George Bush's handling of the economy.
Some of you may not have seen Zephyr. Here's a picture from Yesterday's breakfast.

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