Southwest Voter Express
Hundreds of voters from CA, and rumour says some from CO as well, will caravan to AZ and NM over the Dec. 6-7th weekend in a volunteer program called Southwest Voter Express. DFA is aware of the program, and approves, but the effort is really the work of CA volunteers. They've taken the initiative to help AZ and NM turn out the vote.If you can believe it, there was initially, and for all I know may still be, some resistance to the idea of these CA volunteers sacrificing of the time and money to come and help us out. Some were concerned that the organizational resources needed to bring these volunteers to AZ, put them up while they are here, and put them to work, were going to be more than the effort was worth.
Not only is the migration of hundreds of CA volunteers a major media story in the making, it will be a major shot in the arm to stimulate GOTV, visibility, and door-to-door activity for Dean in both states in the 30 days leading up to the election. I encourage everyone to visit the website, keep an ear to the ground via the listserv volunteers have set up for the project, and offer accomodations to these Democratic footsoldiers for Dean.
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