Friday, August 15, 2003

Dean is shown as leading in national poll

Dean 15.6
Lieberman 14.6
Kerry 10.9
Gephardt 10.7
Sharpton 5.7
Graham 4.2
Edwards 4.5
Braun 1.1
Kucinich 1.1

Insider Advantage's polling indicates Dean out in front of the pack. The poll was based on 500 respondants around the country and has a margin of error of +/- 4%. Given that the separation between Dean and the back of the first tier (Gephardt) is closing in on 5%, the poll is fairly useful. Statistically, of course, this is just a dead heat among the four leaders, but Dean is far likelier than the rest to actually be out front, though by how much is certainly not clear.

An interesting footnote about this poll is it is showing Sharpton out ahead of Edwards and Graham. I find that surprising, if not incredible. I think this is an example of the margin of error at work, but I might be wrong. If Sharpton really is ahead of either of them it is about time for them to file papers and scoot on back to the Senate. Regardless, I think I'll have some fun and post this poll on Graham's blog and see what people say :)


At 7:17 AM, Anonymous Medical Blog said...

Statistically, of course, this is just a dead heat among the
four leaders, but Dean is far likelier than the rest to
actually be out front, though by how much is certainly not clear.


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